The Ruby Editorial

'Tis the season to be generous: Susanne's 50-Cup Donation Surge Propels Ruby Cup's Double Donations December to Unprecedented Heights!

'Tis the season to be generous: Susanne's 50-Cu...

Ruby Cup Editor

In December, Ruby Cup's Double Donations initiative doubled impact, giving 2 menstrual cups for each purchased. Susanne's inspiring act saw 25 cups donated, totaling 50. With 150,000 cups donated, Ruby...

Your Stories

'Tis the season to be generous: Susanne's 50-Cu...

Ruby Cup Editor

In December, Ruby Cup's Double Donations initiative doubled impact, giving 2 menstrual cups for each purchased. Susanne's inspiring act saw 25 cups donated, totaling 50. With 150,000 cups donated, Ruby...


Your Stories
Menstrual cup memes and illustrations

Menstrual Cup Memes: Illustrations of Learnings...

Mynte Bahora

Join us for a ride up the menstrual cup learning curve with beautiful memes and illustrations by the Mexican artist Alikia Pony. (And as a bonus: A home-made Ruby Cup...

Your Stories

Menstrual Cup Memes: Illustrations of Learnings...

Mynte Bahora

Join us for a ride up the menstrual cup learning curve with beautiful memes and illustrations by the Mexican artist Alikia Pony. (And as a bonus: A home-made Ruby Cup...


Your Stories
The Wacky World of Cultural Attitudes to Menstruation Part 1

The Wacky World of Cultural Attitudes to Menstr...

Ruby Cup Editor

From menstrual huts to drinking blood. Read everything about the weird and wacky world of cultural attitudes to menstruation.

Your Stories

The Wacky World of Cultural Attitudes to Menstr...

Ruby Cup Editor

From menstrual huts to drinking blood. Read everything about the weird and wacky world of cultural attitudes to menstruation.


Your Stories