Buy one, Give one
Everyone deserves the freedom to flow through life without limits.

Where we give
Our Buy One, Give One initiative started in 2012, bringing period cups to girls at schools in East Africa.
Fastforward to today, and thanks to our amazing Ruby Community and dedicated partners, we’ve donated over 150,000
period cups worldwide. And we’re not stopping there.
By choosing Ruby Cup, you’re doing way more than donating a cup. You’re literally opening the door to education,
confidence and conversations that break down barriers and give our communities the tools they need to own their
period health. Pretty neat, right?

How it works
In too many countries, periods are still a taboo topic, leaving many teenagers with no idea what’s happening to
their bodies when they start their periods.
This is not okay. This is where real change is needed to break barriers.
Donating a cup was just the beginning for us. We know that real change comes with continuous education and support.
That’s why we work closely with our partners to offer workshops, follow-ups, peer mentorship, and our Ruby Cup
Champions programme.
All so every person who gets a cup, knows how to use it with confidence. It’s that simple. And why should we settle
for anything less? Everyone deserves great period products, no exceptions.
Creating change through choice
Impact Report
Periods for the people
When we say choosing Ruby Cup creates real change, we mean it.
We receive lots of lovely letters from the girls and women we donate our cups to. Your simple switch can make a huge difference for someone that needs it most – read all about it…
Ready to help us break barriers and build change? Join the Ruby revolution by switching to our reusable alternatives.