Can Virgins Use Menstrual Cups? Virginity & Period Products

If you’re wondering, “can a virgin use a menstrual cup?”, the answer is yes. 

Many people who’ve never had sex worry about using a menstrual cup for the first time, especially when there’s so much misinformation out there about hymens and virginity. But don’t let that stop you from experiencing zero-waste menstruation with a reusable menstrual cup. 

Here at Ruby Cup, we love menstrual cup myth-busting. Because we’re on a mission to empower everyone who menstruates to get to know their bodies better. So, if you’re looking for clarity on virginity, hymens, and menstrual cups, you’re in the right place. Read on to get answers to these common questions: 

  • Can a virgin use a menstrual cup?
  • What exactly is virginity (and does it involve your hymen)?
  • How do you know if your hymen is still there?
  • Can a menstrual cup break your hymen?
  • So, does using a menstrual cup affect your virginity?
  • Do menstrual cups stretch out your vagina?
  • How do you insert and remove a menstrual cup if you’re a virgin?


Looking for a zero-waste yet body-friendly period product? Try Ruby Cup! For every Ruby Cup purchased, we donate another one to a person without access to safe menstrual products. Get your Ruby Cup now. 

Can virgins use menstrual cups?

Yes. You can use a menstrual cup as soon as you get your first period. 

If you’re worried about being too young or physically too small for a cup, know that menstrual cups come in different sizes to adapt to all body types. Your height, weight, and shape don’t matter. 

What matters is knowing the height of your cervix and whether you have a light or heavy flow. Thanks to its shape, size, and medium firmness, we believe Ruby Cup Small is the best menstrual cup for beginners. But try our sizing guide to discover which Ruby Cup size is best for you and your body. 

If you’re worried that a lack of sexual experience will prevent you from using a menstrual cup, let’s stop right here and talk about this all-too-pervasive myth: penetrative vaginal sex doesn’t permanently change your anatomy. 


What exactly is virginity (and does it involve your hymen)?

Virginity is used to describe someone who hasn’t had sex—but sex means different things to different people (more on this later).

Some people believe that having sex for the first time will break your hymen, which is a thin elastic tissue found at your vaginal opening. But that’s not true. Being a virgin has nothing to do with your hymen. 

Your hymen is like an extra layer of skin that partially covers but doesn’t seal your vagina. And though your hymen is unique to you, it may have one of these common shapes:

Definition: 01 Ruby Cup image of the different types of hymens

There’s only one type of hymen that covers the entire opening of the vagina, and it’s called an imperforate hymen. However, only around 1 in every 1,000 people with vaginas have an imperforate hymen, and it’s easily treatable.

Contrary to popular belief, most hymens can’t be popped, punctured, or broken, as shown in this great video (skip to 04:26 to see how the hymen really works).

As you can see, your hymen won’t break when you have penetrative sexual intercourse the first time. Or the second time. Or any time.

How do you know if your hymen is still there?

Even though your hymen is elastic, it’s also very thin and can be stretched, torn, or worn away during activities, like biking, horseback riding, even walking. So, even if you’ve never had penetrative vaginal intercourse, your hymen may not be intact. And there’s nothing wrong with that!

An intact hymen doesn’t have to prevent you from using a menstrual cup. And it won’t affect your ability to have pleasurable, intimate relationships. So you don’t really need to know whether your hymen is still there, unless it’s particularly important to you.

To know more about your hymen, you can ask your healthcare provider during your next checkup. This is also a great opportunity to ask them to show you how to use your menstrual cup, so remember to bring it with you to your next appointment.

If you don’t want to wait until your next doctor’s appointment, you can try taking a look at your hymen yourself. This method may not work for everyone, but it will give you a greater understanding of your body and make it easier to insert and remove your menstrual cup for the first time. 

Grab a mirror and follow these simple instructions:

  1. First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Sit down on the edge of a chair or your bed and widen your legs.
  3. Hold the mirror in front of you with one hand and position it so you can see your vulva.
  4. With your free hand, use your fingers to spread the lips (labia) of your vagina.
  5. If you feel any discomfort, try putting a small amount of lube on your fingers to help you separate the labia.
  6. Use our hymen chart to discover what type of hymen you have.

Remember, every hymen is unique, so don’t worry if yours doesn’t look exactly like the ones on the chart. And if you can’t see anything, that’s OK too. Your hymen may have stretched so you can no longer distinguish it from your vaginal opening.

Can a menstrual cup break your hymen?

No. As you’ve learned, you can’t break your hymen. But, just as your hymen can stretch through exercise, it can also stretch or tear during a medical exam, self-exploration, or using some period products like tampons and menstrual cups.

If you’re gentle when inserting and removing your cup (check out our tips further down), you shouldn’t tear or stretch your hymen. But there are no guarantees that using a menstrual cup over time won’t change your hymen. 

So, does using a menstrual cup affect your virginity?

Using a menstrual cup or a tampon won’t affect your virginity because virginity is a concept that relates only to sexual intercourse. Inserting a menstrual cup or tampon into your vagina isn’t the same as having sex.

Another myth about virginity is that only heterosexual vaginal penetration can change whether or not you are a virgin. But sexual intercourse can include vaginal, anal, and oral penetration, as well as fingering, rubbing, or masturbating. And anyone can be a virgin, no matter who they are sexually attracted to or whether they have a vagina. This short video explains:


Now you know a menstrual cup won’t affect your virginity. But you may still be worried that using a menstrual cup will somehow affect your vagina. This leads to another common question…

Do menstrual cups stretch out your vagina?

No. A hymen is a thin piece of elastic tissue that can stretch or tear, but your vagina is made of sturdier stuff. 

Layers of muscle and tissues make up the elastic cylinder of your vagina, which is so resilient it can stretch, then return to form. When aroused, your vagina can accommodate fingers, a penis, or a sex toy. It also expands for childbirth—but it won’t ever be permanently stretched out.

Since it’s so flexible, you can insert period products like a menstrual cup or a tampon without your vagina losing its shape. For an in-depth look, check out our medically reviewed guide, do menstrual cups stretch you out?

Tips on how to insert and remove a menstrual cup if you’re a virgin

Everyone deserves a worry-free and eco-friendly period, no matter your level of sexual experience, sexual orientation or gender.

As you now know, a menstrual cup will not break your hymen. However, inserting a foreign object into your body can be intimidating, especially if this is your first time exploring your vagina. With time, using a menstrual cup may give you a better understanding of your anatomy and help you feel more in tune with your body. 

Keep in mind that there’s a learning curve for using a menstrual cup, just like learning to ride a bike or have good sex. Be patient, because it may take you a few menstrual cycles to get it right. And with Ruby Cup’s money-back guarantee, you’ll have 120 days to return your cup if you don’t get on with it, no questions asked.

For a safe and gentle first experience, use our top tips on inserting and removing a menstrual cup if you’re a virgin.

How to insert a menstrual cup for the first time

1. Hygiene first. Wash your hands. 

2. Relax. Relax. Relax. Have a hot shower or bath first or take a nap beforehand. Whatever you choose, it’s important to relax when inserting your cup. If you’re nervous, you may tense up your pelvic floor muscles, which will make insertion slightly more difficult. 

3. Find your fold. You can experiment with various folds, but we recommend starting with the punch-down fold or the 7-fold. They both have the smallest insertion points, great for a smaller vaginal opening. 

Ruby Cup diagram of different menstrual cup folds 

4. Use lube. A water-based lubricant or coconut oil can help for smooth insertion. Once you’ve folded your cup, rub a small amount of lube on the rim and walls of your menstrual cup.

5. Get in position. Try a position that will naturally expand your vaginal opening, like squatting down or standing up with one leg raised and resting on a stool, the toilet, or the tub’s edge. You can even try lying down on your bed.

6. Take a breath. This will help you relax your pelvic floor muscles and make insertion easier. Try taking a deep breath in for a count of three, then breathe out to the count of four. Try not to hold your breath as this will cause your pelvic floor muscles to tense up.

7. Spread your wings. Gently pull the labia apart with one hand, then with your other hand, slowly introduce the menstrual cup into your vagina. Aim back towards your tailbone instead of upwards like a tampon, following the natural shape of your vaginal canal.

8. Wiggle it just a little bit. If you find insertion difficult, try wiggling your cup gently from side to side while applying light pressure, pushing it in.

Once you’ve inserted your menstrual cup, see if it has fully opened and created a seal with your vaginal wall. For more information, check out our complete guide on how to use a menstrual cup.


How to remove a menstrual cup if you’re a virgin

  1. Hygiene again. Always wash your hands with soap and rinse thoroughly before inserting or removing your cup. 
  2. Get comfortable. Relax and use the same position that worked for you during insertion. Worried about making a mess? Try removing your cup in the shower.
  3. Get a grip. Gently separate the labia with one hand, while reaching for the base of the cup with the other. If you can only reach the stem of the cup, that’s okay. Use it as a guide for finding the base of the cup. You might have to introduce your index and middle finger and thumb a few centimeters.
  4. Quick fix. If you have trouble reaching the stem of your cup, use your pelvic muscles to push the cup down. 
  5. Release the suction first, then pull. Since suction holds your cup in place, you need to break the seal first before pulling on the stem. Just pinch the base of the cup firmly or insert one finger between your vagina and the wall of the cup, pressing slightly inward and down. 
  6. Hold the pinch. Keep pinching the cup’s base or pressing against the side of the cup to avoid recreating any suction. Then pull the cup gently out of your vagina and empty the menstrual fluid in the toilet.

Congratulations! You’re now a menstrual cup user. 

How Ruby Cup dispels virginity myths around the globe

At Ruby Cup, we want to help everyone experience zero-waste and fuss-free periods. So for every Ruby Cup purchased, we donate another to a person who can’t afford period products. 

Our Buy One, Give One Program goes beyond donation, extending to education on menstrual cup use and sexual health. This includes breaking down taboos and dispelling myths on virginity. 

We aim for positive long-term social impact in all the communities we work with. And we achieve this thanks to respect, transparency, and accountability:

  • We respect and understand the cultural norms of each community before we start our social impact programs. 
  • We establish partnerships with local ambassadors and trainers to create a trusted connection with the community.
  • We create a safe space for people to ask questions, which includes structured follow-ups with mentors. 
  • We involve community leaders and parents so everyone can be agents of change. 
  • We collect information and feedback from local partners to identify and fix potential challenges in sex education and menstrual cup use.

Everyone who menstruates can make healthy life choices when they understand how their reproductive system works. Only then can they choose the best period product for them, whether or not they’ve been sexually active. And only then will they understand that a menstrual cup won’t affect their virginity. 

Buy One Give One Ruby Cup

You can start using a menstrual cup as soon as you get your period

We hope we’ve eased your fears and provided you with the facts you need to try a menstrual cup. We also hope you’ll help us keep busting myths and breaking taboos.

Because you’re now an expert on menstrual cups, virginity, and hymens. So when you hear one of your friends ask, “can a virgin use a menstrual cup?”, you’ll be ready to share all you’ve learned. 

And to help you remember, here’s a quick summary. 

  • Your hymen can’t show whether or not you’re a virgin. 
  • Virginity can be used to describe someone who has never had sex, but sex means many different things to different people. 
  • Your hymen is part of your anatomy and is a thin skin fold at your vaginal opening. 
  • Your hymen isn’t a seal, can’t be broken, and can look different in different people, just like your ears or nose can.
  • Using a menstrual cup won’t affect your virginity or break your hymen.
  • Practicing sports, masturbation, or using a menstrual cup could all contribute to wearing down your hymen.
  • Menstrual cups can’t stretch out your vagina because your vaginal canal is a strong elastic tube that can expand and return to form. 


Looking for a zero-waste yet body-friendly period product? Try Ruby Cup! For every Ruby Cup purchased, we donate another one to a person without access to safe menstrual products. Get your Ruby Cup now. 


Can you use a period cup if you’re a virgin?

Yes, virgins can use a period cup. Your hymen is a thin elastic membrane surrounding, but not covering, the opening of your vagina. This is how blood can flow out during menstruation and how you can insert a menstrual cup into your vagina. So, if you're a virgin and want an eco-friendly and freer period, try a menstrual cup.

Does a menstrual cup break your hymen?

A menstrual cup doesn't break your hymen as long as you're gentle during insertion. Everyone's hymen is different and its thin membrane may not even partially cover your vagina. If you're worried about your hymen tearing, use the smallest possible fold, like the punch-down fold or 7-fold, and apply a water-based lubricant on your menstrual cup before insertion.

Is it safe for virgins to use a menstrual cup?

Yes, you can start using a menstrual cup from your first period. Virginity is a concept that’s only related to sexual intercourse so using a cup won't take your virginity away. It’s also a myth that if you’re a virgin you should have an intact hymen, which is a tiny skin fold near the opening of your vagina. Your hymen can stretch or become worn away during sports, tampon use, or self-exploration, but it’s harmless and won’t mean you’re not a virgin.

At what age can you start using period cups?

You can start using a menstrual cup as soon as you get your period. Ruby Cup is made of soft medical-grade silicone that's hypoallergenic, bleach and latex-free, and is one of the best menstrual cups for teenagers. And the various folds, like the punch-down and 7-fold, create smaller insertion points, which are great for younger or newbie cup users.

What are the best menstrual cup folds for virgins?

The 7-fold and punch-down fold both offer the smallest insertion points and feel most comfortable for people who aren’t used to inserting anything into their vagina. Using a water-based lubricant will also help first-time users, virgins or not. Here's our beginner's guide to help you out. 


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