How Ruby Cup Decreases School Absenteeism In Tanzania

How Ruby Cup Decreases School Absenteeism In Tanzania

Before presenting you with some super exciting statistics, we would like to remind you of one thing:  This would all not have been possible without you, our dear Ruby Cuppers. This is on you!

Our Social Mission is bearing fruits

One of the wonderful partners we work with, Femme International, focuses on empowering girls and enabling them to stay in school. Femme International fights against the high drop out rates in school due to the lack of period products. They distribute Femme Kits that include soap and a Ruby Cup amongst other things.

In Mwika Secondary School in Moshi, Tanzania, girls have been using their Femme Kit for 6 months now. The first results are here and make us extremely proud:

School attendance has gone up

Missed school days decreased significantly

Concentration has improved

And better academic performances for 78% of the girls

“When I am using my menstrual cup I feel free to do many things such as going to discussion, because before I could rarely discuss freely without worrying about the falling of the pad.”

And probably one the most relieving ways, the Femme Kit has improved lives is that girls no longer have to work or do odd jobs to afford period products.

Wanna know what the girls themselves have to say about using a Ruby Cup? Look at this video message from Judith and Emma

Great partners, great teamwork

We would like to thank all of our partners for this great teamwork and all the great accomplishments we have achieved together. Special thanks to Sabrina Rubli from Femme International for her kind words on our cooperation, making this great social impact possible:

“Femme International is so proud to be working with Ruby Cup. Not only do we truly believe in (and use!) their product, but we get to see first hand how much of an impact they are having on young women in East Africa. Ruby Cups are boosting the confidence of young women and helping them stay in the classroom. To address menstrual health is truly to address gender equality, and the distribution of Ruby Cups is a major part of Femme’s mission to empower women and girls through health education.”

We, and that includes every single one of you who have purchased a Ruby Cup, are making a difference together. These results are the greatest reward.  Thank you forever.

    Photos by Femme International

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