
Menstrual Cups and Sex

Menstrual Cups and Sex: Are They Compatible? Period Sex Tips

There are many benefits to having sex on your period. We love breaking taboos, not just about menstrual cups but about sex, too.

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Menstrual Cups and Sex: Are They Compatible? Period Sex Tips

There are many benefits to having sex on your period. We love breaking taboos, not just...


Calculadora del impacto de una copa menstrual

¿Quieres saber cuanto desperdicio crean los productos desechables, o cuanto dinero ahorrarás cambiándote a la copa menstrual?Pon tu edad, hacemos el resto.

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Calculadora del impacto de una copa menstrual

¿Quieres saber cuanto desperdicio crean los productos desechables, o cuanto dinero ahorrarás cambiándote a la...

Do Menstrual Cups Stretch You Out? Dispelling the Myths

Do Menstrual Cups Stretch You Out? Dispelling the Myths

Do menstrual cups stretch you out? And is vaginal tightness really important for sex? These are just a couple of myths we bust in our latest post.

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Do Menstrual Cups Stretch You Out? Dispelling the Myths

Do menstrual cups stretch you out? And is vaginal tightness really important for sex? These...


Calcolatore dell'impatto ambientale e risparmio economico della coppetta mestruale

Sei curiosǝ di sapere quanti rifiuti di plastica vengono creati utilizzando prodotti usa e getta per le mestruazioni o quanti soldi potresti risparmiare se iniziassi ad utilizzare una coppetta mestruale?...

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Calcolatore dell'impatto ambientale e risparmio economico della coppetta mestruale

Sei curiosǝ di sapere quanti rifiuti di plastica vengono creati utilizzando prodotti usa e getta...

The best menstrual cup for sports

The Best Menstrual Cup for Sports Enthusiasts and Athletes

Looking for the best menstrual cup for sports? We share our pro tips to find the right cup for a worry-free period even when you’re exercising.

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The Best Menstrual Cup for Sports Enthusiasts and Athletes

Looking for the best menstrual cup for sports? We share our pro tips to find...

Swim With a Menstrual Cup

Can You Swim With a Menstrual Cup? Swimming on Your Period

You decided to take the plunge and swim on your period. But can you swim with a menstrual cup? Dive in to discover the freedom of swimming with a cup. 

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Can You Swim With a Menstrual Cup? Swimming on Your Period

You decided to take the plunge and swim on your period. But can you swim...