Ruby Cup and WoMena Study in Uganda

Over the past course of the year, Ruby Cup has engaged in a collaboration with WoMena Ltd and the Red Cross in Uganda. WoMena Ltd conducted a study investigating the “Acceptability and hygienic safety of menstrual cups as a menstrual management method for vulnerable young women in Uganda Red Cross Society´s Life Planning Skills Project“.

The study was carried out by Marianne Tellier, Maria Hyttel and Mai Gad. The results were extremely positive and have led to Ruby Cup sponsoring additional 200 cups for conducting a larger scale study in Uganda in 2013. We are very excited and thankful for this wonderful partnership.

The conclusion of the study says: “The menstrual cup appears to be highly acceptable, practical and hygienically safe to use and can contribute to improve the quality of life for girls and women in similar settings. In addition, money saved can be used for e.g. soap for improved menstrual hygiene. This pilot study seems to have reached its objectives of empowering vulnerable women an young girls through improved menstrual hygiene management.”

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