Ruby Cup challenged in the TV show ‘Battle of the Start-Ups’

Who is brave enough to pitch his or her idea in front of cameras and under the burning heat of spotlights? Who can keep his focus when questioned by big investors only having 5 minutes to talk? Being an entrepreneur and running a business is already something, but is it enough to compete in a TV show?

Our pitch video for the TV show “Battle of the Start Ups” had the theme “There will be blood”. After handing it in, we asked ourselves: was that too edgy for public TV? Was it only us who found it funny and on the point?

And then, everything went really fast. First the surprising invitation to Hamburg. Then the pitch in front of cameras. Adrenalin, fear and lots of fun…

‘Skateboard guru’ and entrepreneur Titus Dittman was our coach and we couldn’t have matched better. We got really valuable feedback, we discussed our strategies and brainstormed how we could reach out to more girls and women with Ruby Cup.

The jury members Sandra Fischer und Philipp Westermeyer had not heard of Ruby Cup before. But they quickly understood our product and ideas and their advice was really beneficial for us.

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