Masturbating On Your Period

Masturbating On Your Period

Can you masturbate on your period?

The answer is: YES, YES, YES!

When I was a teenager, no one told me that women masturbate, neither that you could do it while on your period. Taboos around masturbation, or the belief that it is morally wrong in some cultures, can cause many of us to feel ashamed about masturbating. 

Talking about sexual desire during your period is even more controversial. But the belief that any sexual behavior should be avoided has no foundation. Masturbating while on your period is as healthy and recommendable as while not on your period.

There is nothing “dirty” about your blood or period fluids, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

In fact, masturbation is one of the best pleasures in life, and it's free! 

Once you try it, you won't stop doing it. Contrary to all myths and taboos, masturbation brings many benefits, more than you think and in this article, we will explain some of them.

“Masturbation never broke my heart”


zero-waste period


How to masturbate on your period 

Knowledge is power, understanding your body will help you to have more confidence in your sexuality and your preferences.

Not all of us like the same things. There is no mathematical formula existing to reach an orgasm. Everybody's bodies and experiences are different, and to enjoy ourselves, we need to know what we like and how we like it.

Let's do it!

Our body is a white canvas, we can stimulate it in different ways, either by touching parts of our body such as nipples, neck, genitals, or by watching a good porn film.

Here are some of the best known.

Types of sexual stimulation:

* Clitoral stimulation

What is the clitoris? The clitoris is an organ of the female genital tract. Only the glans are visible, at the top of the vulva; internally it extends over the labia majora, the perineum, and surrounds the lower part of the vagina.

The clit is the organ with the most nerves, and its function is to give sexual pleasure.

Clitoral stimulation is ideal if you use a menstrual cup, since you can do it without removing it from your body, you can do it either with your fingers or with a sex toy, now on vogue, the highly celebrated Satysfier, that will keep you locked in your room or the shower for a while


sex toy


* Internal stimulation

You can do it by introducing your fingers to your vagina to stimulate the g spot or with a sex toy.

There is an infinite variety of sex toys for vaginal penetration, from small bullets to different types of bunnies with which you can play with different speeds, movements, or pressure.

The key to masturbation is to be relaxed and to connect with your body.

You may experience an explosive orgasm, but don't worry if you don't. Not everyone can be stimulated by vaginal penetration. Also, in this case, your period can be a natural lubricant to do it.


* Anal stimulation

Anal orgasms are not only for people with a penis.

The anus does not have natural lubrication, so you will have to do it with a lubricant, you can do it with your fingers in circular movements or from the inside out.

For anal stimulation, there is also an infinite variety of toys, with which you can practice, whether they are vibrators or anal plugs.

anal plugs

Does orgasm help period cramps?

For many people with periods, cramps are awful, and can often keep you in bed or cause a headache.

What is a menstrual cramp?

Menstrual cramps are caused by contractions of the uterus as blood leaves the uterus. The lining of the uterus releases special substances called "prostaglandins" that increase the intensity of contractions, especially when the levels are higher.

But we have good news for you, having orgasms during your period can reduce some of the cramps that are not too intense. Having an orgasm releases endorphins that work as a natural painkiller.

Orgasms produce a relaxing effect and a feeling of well-being, helping to release sexual, physiological, and psychological tensions. They also help us explore and learn about our sexuality, promoting positive attitudes towards sex and genitalia.



Related post: Menstrual Cup Pain: Is It Normal & What Can You Do About It?


Masturbating while pregnant 

We have idealized pregnancy in such a way, that we think that sexual drive, pleasure, and sex are not part of a woman's life when she is pregnant, as if she suddenly stopped having sexual desire after conceiving.

That is why masturbation during pregnancy is a topic that is not widely known or rarely discussed.

I am pregnant, can I masturbate?

The first question that pops up, is whether masturbation can be dangerous or if it can affect pregnancy, in some way. The answer is no.

The first thing you have to do is go to the doctor and know how your pregnancy is going. If the doctor tells you: "don't have sex",  you have to do exactly what the doctor tells you.

pregnant woman

If you have a normal, non-risk pregnancy, you will have no problem masturbating.

Pleasing yourself through masturbation doesn't create any risk to your baby. Quite the opposite, experiencing pleasure during your pregnancy, is healthy.

Remember that each orgasm is accompanied by the production of oxytocin, a hormone that relieves stress and increases good mood. These two factors are important, to maintain a good mood throughout the months of gestation.

We hope this guide to masturbation helps you!

Now all you have to do is practice, practice and practice.

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By Débora Rodam

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